Spring Cottage Primary School has been awarded Google Reference School status
Over the past few years Spring Cottage has used Google education resources and associated tools to promote positive outcomes for our pupils. These resources have been further developed over the past twelve months through the roll out of 1-1 devices, a Google Educator training programme for all teaching staff and the effective use of technology to promote learning through periods of remote education.
In recognition of the progress and achievements made by the school through the use of technology, Google has awarded Spring Cottage the status of a Reference School.
There are currently only twenty-five schools nationwide who have been successfully awarded this status, mainly located around London and Manchester. In fact, Spring Cottage are the only primary school with this status in Yorkshire.
The Reference School award is not only in recognition of our commitment to providing our pupils with future learning skills, but also to our wider commitment of working with and supporting schools in our area. As a Reference School we will offer site visits and training opportunities to partner settings and collaborate closely with other Google Reference schools around the world to provide the best opportunities for our pupils.
Exciting times ahead.