Mission, ethos and values
Mission statement:
At Spring Cottage we want to inspire confident learners who:
‘Grow together, learn together and make the most of every day.’
Spring Cottage Primary School aims to provide a secure, caring environment ensuring pupils develop an enjoyment of learning and a belief that everyone can succeed.
Each pupil is encouraged to grow academically and socially, ensuring the best possible progress and high attainment in all areas of learning. Through the curriculum, Spring Cottage seeks to encourage positive attitudes, a spirit of co-operation, open-mindedness, curiosity, critical analysis and independence of thought.
Our curriculum gives Spring Cottage Primary School a distinct identity and ethos, reflecting our values, our place within the local community of Kingston upon Hull, and an awareness of the wider world in which we live. Above all, we aim to make our curriculum a stimulating experience for all our pupils, laying the foundations for success in life, regardless of sex, culture, race, background or disability.
The values at Spring Cottage Primary School have been identified through work with our pupils, parents, staff and governors.
What happens in our school will always be based on our three core values of Respect, Determination and Happiness.
These principles underpin the behaviours of every single member of the school community: pupil; teacher; parent; governor. It is a non-negotiable of the school.
Respect at Spring Cottage means:
- Treating members of our community as you would like people to treat you.
- Valuing difference across the school community.
- Looking after the environment, both in the school and wider world.
- Creating a positive learning environment and value the achievements of others.
- Showing consideration towards others at all times.
Determination at Spring Cottage means:
- Completing all activities to the best of your ability.
- Showing resilience when things get tough.
- Taking responsibility for your own learning both within and beyond the school.
- Being ambitious and putting no limit on your learning.
Happiness at Spring Cottage means:
- Providing opportunities which are memorable and inspirational.
- Celebrating success, no matter how small.
- Ensuring everybody feels safe, confident and supported in their learning.
- Showing compassion and kindness.
- Having the opportunity to share worries, thoughts and feelings.