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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Spring Cottage

Nursery Admissions

Parents and carers should approach the school directly if they would like their child to attend the nursery.

The school maintains a register/list of parents’ or carers’ interest in a nursery place.

Early registration of interest will not, however, guarantee a place in the nursery. If a child gets a place in the nursery at the school, it does not automatically follow that he/she will get a place in the school.

Nursery places at Spring Cottage Primary School nursery are open to all children, irrespective of where they live.

The following criteria for admission will be applied in the event of there being more requests for places than those available:

  1. A child can be considered for a place in the nursery from the start of the term following the child’s third birthday. This place will normally be for between three to five terms prior to entry into a mainstream school.
  2. The governors will consider applications for nursery places by first prioritising the over subscription criteria and in age order, oldest children being given priority within the criteria.
  3. The school will let parents and carers know by letter of their decision regarding a place in the nursery. Where possible, this will be during the term before admission.
  4. If a child is offered a place in the nursery, parents and carers must confirm their acceptance in writing within the specified time to avoid the school refusing places for other children unnecessarily. If the school does not receive a reply to the offer of a place in the nursery within the specified timescale, the child’s name will be placed back on the waiting list.
  5. The final decision on when a child is admitted, the number of sessions a child is able to attend and his/her pattern of attendance, rests with the headteacher.
  6. Places will be offered to children in the following priority order:
  • Age – new arrivals/requests for nursery places will be slotted in at the appropriate point.
  • Children with special educational, English as an additional language, social or emotional needs, as evidenced by a professional from health, social care or education.
  • Children who have a brother or sister (including children living as siblings in the same family unit) on the school roll who will still be attending Spring Cottage Primary School in the following academic year.

The Nursery Admission Policy can be downloaded below: