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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Spring Cottage

Before and after school care

Spring Cottage Primary School provides before and after school care for children who need to be either dropped off earlier or collected later due to work commitments or unforeseen events such as appointments.

Both clubs aim to provide a stimulating environment for play, by developing a child's social skills within a relaxed, controlled environment. There will also be opportunities to complete any homework tasks set. Both clubs are open to children from FS2 to Y6.

Breakfast Club

Children may attend Breakfast Club from 7.30am and will be able to eat breakfast; either cereal, toast, fruit and have a drink. The latest admission for Breakfast Club is 8.10am - this is so that all children can have time to eat breakfast before starting school.

The cost of Breakfast Club is £2.00 per session. However, if your child is staying for the full week you will be entitled to one session free. Therefore the cost of a full week would be £8.00.

Breakfast club takes place in the school dining hall (Springbucks). Children must be dropped off by a parent and not allowed to walk themselves from their parents / carers car.

After School Club

Children attending After School Club are collected from their classrooms at the end of the day in FS2/KS1. After School Club is open until 5.45pm in term time only and children must be collected by this time. Sessions cost £6.50, but there is a reduction to £6.00 if your child attends the full week or if there are two siblings attending from the same family. If your child is not collected by 5.45pm parents/ carers will be charged an additional £4.00 to cover the costs of the two staff members who will legally be required to stay with the child. If a child is regularly collected late the school reserves the right to withdraw the use of After School Club and parents/carers will be required to find alternative childcare.

All children attending After School Club will be provided with snacks and a drink. These snacks will be healthy and nutritious but will not replace an evening meal.

Booking and Payments

Parents must complete a registration form for both Breakfast and After School Club before booking places. These are available from the school office. Bookings can be made up to four weeks in advance and should be made through the My Child at School app. In exceptional circumstances, if you need to book children in on an ad-hoc basis this must be done via the school office. 

Payment can be made through the website


Login details for this service were sent to parents at the beginning of March.  You can also make payments the My Child at School app.  (see letter below). If you require a new password please contact the school office.

my child at school app instructions for set up.pdf