Springboard and spring Meadows
Both provisions aim to support young people with an Educational and Health Care Plan (EHCP), who will benefit from additional specialist support. Families apply through the EHCP annual review process to consult with the provision regarding a placement for a pupil.
Springboard @SCPS
Springboard ASD Resource Base is a ten place Resourced Base Provision for KS1 and KS2 pupils with a diagnosis of Autism, situated within the main school building.
All pupils have an EHCP and places are allocated by the Hull SEND team, as with special school admissions. Within Springboard there are two classrooms, sensory room, relaxation area and a quiet, dedicated playground, which is well resourced with outdoor equipment.
Springboard successfully opened its doors in September 2019. The pupils, who came from primary schools all over the city of Hull, have settled well into life at Spring Cottage and have made an enjoyable start getting to know each other and their new school. They have had fun being involved in a variety of aspects of school life such as completing sensory circuits, attending music lessons and friendship groups, baking, cooking, gardening, participating in school trips and playing and learning with their mainstream peers both inside and outside the classroom.
External agencies who have visited Springboard have commented how well the pupils have settled and how amazed they are at the positive interactions between the pupils, their new Springboard class and their mainstream class.
Springboard is an integral part of Spring Cottage Primary School and promotes an inclusive environment where all pupils, families and staff are respected as valued members of the school community. We work closely with parents, communicating via home school books, telephone calls or daily face to face contact. We hold half-termly afternoons where parent and carers are invited to experience hands-on learning and activities with their child, as well as meeting with the ASD Resource Base leader to discuss their child’s progress.
The support we provide focuses on enabling the pupils to learn effectively with greater independence. We aim to offer a holistic approach within which academic progress and achievement are encouraged in order to achieve full potential. We increase the pupils’ experiences of positive engagement with others that promote a shared sense of inclusion and participation within their school and the wider community.
Pupils have access to the full range of curriculum subjects with opportunities embedded throughout the day to develop specific outcomes identified in pupils’ EHCPs. Our approaches to teaching and learning are underpinned by specialist autism strategies tailored to meet the individual learning needs and reduce barriers to learning. The learning environment is carefully designed to support pupils to ensure their learning contributes to develop independence and to promote life skills.
All pupils have an individual timetable outlining how the curriculum and interventions are organised. Pupils’ academic and holistic development is carefully tracked and celebrated using CATS small steps and Ablls social assessment tool kit.
Spring Meadows
This unit is a provision for early years and key stage one pupils who have an EHCP in the area of communication & interaction. Pupils in the unit have a high level of need and would most likely not be able to integrate in the mainstream provision. It is located in the Key Stage one and Early Years building.
Spring Meadows opened in Setember 2023 and is led by Miss Feetham, the class teacher. Within Spring Meadows there is a classroom resourced for continuous provision and learning which leads out onto a outside environment. There is an additional outside environment which is shared with key stage one and timetabled to enable dedicated use. Additionally there is a TEACH room where children can access focussed time, and a sensory room.
The provision runs personalised learning and curriculum suited to the needs of the pupils. The children are offered the same opportunities as pupils in the mainstream classes as well as offering the same approach as detailed for Springboard pupils. We work closely with parents and agencies to ensure the best provision possible for the pupils.
Opportunities for integration are carefully planned in order to ensure successful outcomes for all.
All children in Springboard have the opportunity to integrate with their mainstream peers in a way which is meaningful to each individual. Many of our pupils successfully integrate in to mainstream classes across the curriculum throughout the day or week. Support is carefully planned for each child, through the use of visuals, carefully differentiated tasks, and adult support where needed.
Springboard pupils have access to the whole school community by having the opportunity to join in playtimes, eat in the main lunch hall, join assemblies, attend friendship/social groups and access school trips.
External Agencies
The school have effective working relationships with a wide range of external agencies, who work together to ensure that the pupils accessing the provision are receiving a personalised, high quality of education which enables the full potential of the pupil to be met.
The offer of outside agencies is listed below:
- Dr L J Ducksbury (Educational psychologist)
- Speech and Language Therapy Team (SaLT) (Advice on request)
- Tweendykes outreach (Spring Meadows)
Parental feedback
This unit and the staff have my complete confidence. They have exceeded all my expectations and I can see that everyday just by looking at my child and seeing how happy he is.
My child loves coming to school now, before Springboard it wasn’t always easy to get my child to school. She now loves the staff and the children at Springboard. Everything about the school she loves.
My child is very happy in the setting and has made wonderful relationships with the staff. She feels happy and safe. That’s all we wanted. Thank you.