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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

Enter Trust

Spring Cottage


Remote Education aims and ambition:

The school set an ambitious vision to achieve an outstanding blended learning curriculum by the end of 2021, regardless of lockdowns, to support pupils in ‘catch-up’ through the use of 1-1 IT devices.

This will ensure that the curriculum will be delivered at school, but also within the home to further develop learning and understanding. 

The school have set three overarching aims with regards to our remote learning ambition:

  1. Curriculum delivery will be high-quality and the same for all pupils, whether working at home or at school, with a focus on developing independent learners in all age groups. 
  2. All staff will be confident in delivering and using ICT systems due to an extensive CPD delivery programme.
  3. Pupil, peer and teacher interaction is critical in maintaining positive relationships and ensuring curriculum work meets individual pupil need (including SEND).

Since returning to school full-time following the Covid-19 pandemic the remote learning principles have continued. If any child has to remain at home due to illness, but are well enough to learn, the school will facilitate lve sesions for the child to access at home in real-time. This has been particularly successful for those children in KS2 who have access to a 1-1 device.


Steps we have taken to achieve this:

  • Training began for all teaching staff to achieve Google educator level 1 by March 2021 (one member of staff has already been trained to Google certified trainer status to allow us to complete training in house).
  • Remote learning delivery plan was created in September 2020.
  • Regular parental webinars have been held throughout 2020, and have continued into 2021.  These can now be found on our YouTube channel.
  • One to one devices were ordered for all KS2 children in September 2020 - these were scheduled to arrive in school in November 2020 (due to national shortages, delivery has been pushed back to March 2021).

How does remote learning work at Spring Cottage?:

  • Lessons and activities will be delivered through the use of Google classroom (Tapestry in EYFS).
  • Days will follow the normal school timetable, in so far as possible, with breaks built in throughout the day.
  • Registration, and a morning welcome will begin every day through a live meet, so pupils can see their friends and teachers every day.
  • Recorded inputs or live inputs to all lessons will be posted to Google classroom each day.  Teachers will then be available to support that activity through the live chat facility, during timetabled lesson times.
  • Feedback and assessment will be through google docs and private messaging.  
  • Lessons will build on the previous learning.
  • A weekly phone call home to all families will be made to keep up to date and support home learning.
  • These protocols will continue should any individual be self-isolating or a class or year group bubble close.

What other resources are available?:

The school subscribes to a number of platforms to enhance the curriculum offer at Spring Cottage. Pupils can login into these at any time to further support their learning:

These include:

  • Bug Club - an online platform for home reading, books are allocated at the collect level for each child (try to access everyday, instead of a home reading book).
  • Sumdog - A mathematics and spelling platform that provides activities and quizzes specific to a child's abilities.
  • Reading Plus - A reading comprehension package that supports reading fluency, reading speed and the skills of retrieval, recall  and inference. 
  • Purple Mash - an online platform to support all areas of the curriculum in a fun-based way.
  • Espresso - a range of cross-curricular resources to deepen understanding across the curriculum suitable for children from FS1 to Y6.

Login pages to each of these platforms can be found under the pupils tab (menu bar).


Remote learning and staying safe:

Children's safety remains a priority. If you have any concerns regarding your child's online safety please contact us to discuss. See below for e-safety links:

Talking to you child about e-safety (NSPCC)

Think U Know

Internet matters


Remote learning policies and plans: